Why Turkey For Treatment?

First ten countries of origin of the international patients coming to Turkey to receive medical services, are respectively; Azerbaijan, Iraq Germany, Libia, Bulgaria, Romania, Spain, Ukraine, Kosovo and Georgia.

When looking at the cities preferred most by international patients, Istanbul, Ankara, Antalya, İzmir and Yalova come to the fore. The most common branches are oncology treatments, organ and bone marrow transplantations, heart diseases, hair transplantations and reconstructive surgery.

We proudly define you 18 good reasons Why should one  prefer Turkey for Health Tourism:

Hera Healthcare

180+ happy patient


Patients from 45+ country

Hera Healthcare

Experienced Human Resources

In Turkish Healthcare, doctors, nurses, patient care, diagnostic, treatment and management practices are carried out according to North American and Europian standards for many years. There are many university departments and trainin programs which aims to educate our medical staff and health managers. We will be more than happy to provide the CV of the physican recommended by us.

Experienced Human Resources

JCI Accredited Hospitals

Since 2019, there are 44 JCI accredited hospitals in Turkey. JCI is a difficult standard to maintain. The criteria to get accreditation is much tougher and more expensive than many others. By the number of hospitals that are accredited, Turkey is in the top three countries in the world. Please do not forget to ask your case representative about the accreditations of the hospital by your choice.

JCI Accredited Hospitals

The City That Lives 24/7: Istanbul

You will never get bored in Istanbul! There are many options for you and your companions such as cultural tours, sea tours, entertainment tours. Our case representatives will assist you with the options. Just be good during your trips and take care of your health!

The City That Lives 24/7: Istanbul

Advanced Medical Technologies

Here in Turkey, we’ve invested in the most innovative and advanced technology and equipment in medicine.  

The technologies we utilize contribute to excellent patient functional independence and outcomes. Accordingly, in Turkey, you can reach to approved medical benefits of the most advanced technologies. Please view our Technology page.

Advanced Medical Technologies

High Satisfaction Rate of International Patients

Patient satisfaction is an important and commonly used indicator for measuring the quality in healthcare. Satisfaction of our international patients affects our clinical outcomes, patient retention, and medical malpractice claims. It affects the timely, efficient, and patient-centered delivery of quality healthcare. We will be gladly sharing the patient satisfaction statistics of the hospital you choose.

High Satisfaction Rate of International Patients

Experienced and Accredited Health Tourism Agencies

Health tourism agencies in Turkey are licenced and audited by the Ministry of Health. There is a large number of very well experienced and accredited agenciesaccording to international standards. The purposes of these standards are to protect your treatment, service quality, budget, and patient rights and make your travel safe. Please certainly investigate your agency and their founders experience for no hesitation in the future.

Experienced and Accredited Health Tourism Agencies

No Waiting Lists For Treatments

The Turkish health system is a model which is envied for its universal coverage and standards of care. Treatments with no que, patient centered, compassionate and superior healthcare service for international patients are few of many. To summarize, you will not wait in any que for diagnosis and treatment in Turkey. Your case representatives will try to make a budget friendly plan for you to get treated and return home in the shortest time possible.

No Waiting Lists For Treatments

Accessible Treatment Prices

Prices for treatment in Turkey are much competitive to many developed competing countries . The service costs correspond to treatment efficiency and quality. You can often get a uniquely effective treatment for an affordable price. We are also proud to say that our hospitals hospitality service quality may vary depending on the budget but they never compromise on high medical service quality.

Accessible Treatment Prices

Comfortable Hospitals

In Turkey, hospitals offer many facilities to the patients in order to make them feel like they are home in every way. Ergonomic rooms, rich food menu, a la carte restaurants, in-hospital shopping options, free internet connection and tv channels with many languages are the few of many which are offered.

Comfortable Hospitals

Common Flight Destinations

The city of Istanbul has the busiest and most high quality airports of the world. Turkish, which is a member of Star Alliance, flies to 2929 cities and 300 airports, including 49 and 243 international, in 127 countries. It has the title of being the airline that flies to most by number in the world thanks to this huge flight network.

Common Flight Destinations

Visa Convenience

Authorized public institutions, health tourism agencies, health institutions, associations and authorized departments within hospitals offer health visa convenience for those who want to come to Turkey for treatment. Not to forget, Turkey is also visa free from many countries.

Visa Convenience

Transportation Diversity

Our hospitals and health tourism agencies have special departments for transportation. Which was mainly established to support our foreign patients. There are transportation services included in the treatment package for the triangle of airport-accommodation-hospital. Apart from this, there are many options for free transportation in Istanbul such as metro, Marmaray, bus, taxi and tram. If you like, we will be gladly sharing the details with you.

Transportation Diversity

Eligible Living Expenses

Turkey is not an expensive country for foreign visitors. Various accommodation options, affordable food and living expenses, high quality national and international clothing brands, various travel and entertainment packages are only the few of many that awaits you to make your trip more enjoyable.

Eligible Living Expenses

High Qualified Accomodation Options

There are many options for you to stay comfortably in our country where traditional Turkish hospitality combines with world class hospitality services! There are furnished rental residences for long-term stays, apart hotels, hostels, international hotel chains offering services up to seven stars, famous boutique hotels and even guesthouses within the complexes of many hospitals. Please do not forget to contact your case representative for options that suits your taste and budget the most!

High Qualified Accomodation Options

Rich Cultural Structure

Turkey is a country of freedom where east and west are most beautifully expressed. Your religious belief, dress style, and worldview is belong to you. We are sensitive about to fact that foreginers which are staying here feels like home. Especially Istanbul is ready for you to relax with its rich cultural background, tolerance and welcoming tradition!

Rich Cultural Structure

Language Diversity

Our hospitals and health tourism agencies set up special departments and offer free services to avoid communication problems. You can get free service in an average of 8 languages ​​in each health institution. Consult your case representative to communicate in your native language!

Language Diversity

Rich Kitchen

Turkish cuisine is one of the few cuisines in the world. Itcan be described as a fusion and refinement of Mediterranean, Balkan, Middle Eastern, Central Asian, Eastern European cuisines. You will have many different options from a mixture of food from all around the world. Consult us for further information!

Rich Kitchen

Options For Thermal Tourisim

Thermal tourism is a type of medical tourism for patient to benefit from geothermal facilities for health, and also rest in attractive places. However, Turkey is not actually limited to this option as we offer various thermal tourism alternatives to our patients according to their needs and demands.

Alternatives are facilities including thermal-geothermal healthy hot spring sources in various locations and cities around the country. From mud baths to Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Our team’s aim is to serve you through competitive and qualified health services.

Options For Thermal Tourisim